Useful information

Introduction of useful information for senior dog care

Aging degree check

Aging degree check

It will also delay the aging by noticing the aging of dogs as soon as possible and taking appropriate measures.
It is important for the owner to read the sign of aging from the behavior and symptoms of the pet dog. From now on, let's check the aging degree below and let's review the dog's living environment.

  • Walking becomes slow
  • I sit in the middle of a walk
  • Hesitate to climb the stairs
  • The way of walking is strange
  • Bad bad breath
  • Leave the food to eat
  • The attitude of meals looks painful
  • The excretion habit is strange
  • Hair coat becomes passion
  • Hair loss increases
  • Eye dust increased
  • It collides with things well
  • Trip over steps
  • I can not jump on the car
  • I have more time to sleep
Let's follow aging if there is one
The checkpoint taken up is the general behavior and symptoms of senior dogs. The more aggressiveness is, the more aging degree is, so be careful. Always observe whether there is any abnormality in your dog, and if there is any change, get appropriate advice from your veterinarian or animal nurse