Feature / Pickup

table of contents
- There are three main growth periods for kittens.
- Points on how to feed rice suitable for kittens [lactation period]
- Points of how to feed and rice suitable for kittens [Weaning period]
- Points of how to give rice and how to give it suitable for kittens [Growth period]
- Ingredients that should not be given to kittens
- Advantages and disadvantages of rice for kittens
- Key points when choosing rice for kittens
- Eating food when you are a kitten will help you build a strong body.
- Frequently Asked Questions

3-918-9 Mukuya, Shimada City, Shizuoka Prefecture
TEL 0547-33-6010
Graduated from the Department of Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Kitasato University. He is a part-time lecturer at the Renaissance Pet Academy, a vocational school, and a lecturer at the Japan Pet Massage Association and the Pet Medicinal Food International Association. Participated in rescue activities for animals affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake. In addition to general Western medicine, work on animal health through acupuncture and moxibustion treatment, Chinese medicine, pet massage, etc.
1There are three main growth periods for kittens.
Kittens become adult cats in about a year. During this period of remarkable growth, the changes in the body are also very large. The growth period of kittens can be roughly divided into three categories: "lactation period" up to 4 weeks after birth, "weaning period" 4 to 8 weeks after birth, and "growth period" after 8 weeks after birth.
When keeping a kitten, it is important to know the proper diet and precautions for each growing season.
2Points on how to feed rice suitable for kittens [lactation period]
What kind of rice is suitable for lactating kittens? I will explain with the points of how to give.
Only breast milk or kitten milk is available for lactating kittens
Lactating kittens from the time they are born to about 4 weeks are raised solely on the mother's milk or kitten's milk. Kittens at this time are not yet fully prepared, so only rice and milk can still be digested.
Mother's cat's milk is high in fat, high in protein and nutritious. In particular, the first milk immediately after childbirth contains "transitional antibodies" that are important for immunity to protect newborn kittens from bacteria and viruses. Therefore, it is best to breastfeed if you are with your mother and cat as much as possible.
However, if your mother's cat isn't feeling well and you can't breastfeed, or if you protect or take over your kitten early in life, give it milk for kittens to raise.
Milk for kittens is high in fat and protein, and lactose is adjusted so that it has the same composition as breast milk, so there is no need to worry about damaging the kitten's stomach. The powdered milk type, which makes it easy to adjust the amount and concentration given at one time, will be easy to use on a daily basis. Also, although it is a little expensive, liquid milk is also available, so you may want to keep it on hand in case of a disaster or busy time.
How to make milk for kittens
When giving milk for kittens, wash your hands clean before making, put an amount of milk according to the age of the kitten in a clean baby bottle for kittens, boil once and cool to about 60-70 ° C. Dissolve in hot water. This is because boiling water destroys the nutrients in the milk, and if the temperature is too low, the fat will not dissolve easily. When the milk is completely melted, allow it to cool slightly warmer than the human skin before feeding it to the kitten.
How to give breast milk or milk for kittens
When feeding the kitten, put it in a prone position and with its head slightly up. If you lie on your back like a human baby, breast milk or milk can get into your trachea. Put the baby bottle into the kitten's mouth from diagonally above, keep an angle of about 45 °, and give it at the kitten's pace.
If you push the baby bottle, you will love the milk and it will overflow from your mouth or get into the trachea, so be careful. When the kitten has consumed or is full of milk or milk, the kitten will take its mouth off the bottle. After that, please take care of urination and defecation.
Number of times to give breast milk or milk for kittens
Frequently feed very small amounts of milk or milk while your cat is young. As the kitten grows, the amount you can drink at one time increases, and you should give milk about eight times a day. The frequency is about once every 2 to 4 hours. Don't leave too much time between breastfeeding and milking, even at night.
The amount of milk and milk required will vary depending on the age and weight of the kitten, but for milk, use the reference amount per body weight specified for each product as a guide. You should be able to get as much nutrition as possible, so if your kitten wants it, you can give it as much as you can. Since there are individual differences, let's make fine adjustments by observing the growth rate and appearance of the kitten.
3Points of how to feed and rice suitable for kittens [Weaning period]
After the lactation period, the next is the weaning period. From about 4 weeks of age when milk teeth grow, kittens gradually become interested in foods other than milk. Here, we will explain about baby food and water, along with points on how to give them.
How to choose baby food
Eating is the first experience for a kitten who has been raised solely on breast milk or milk. Therefore, it is important to prepare soft food that is easy to swallow when feeding during the weaning period. Wet food for kittens is very convenient because it is easy to eat for weaning kittens. Alternatively, you can soften the dry food for kittens by soaking it in hot water.
Mixing the milk you've been drinking will make it easier for kittens to eat because it resembles the smell and taste you're used to drinking. Then, gradually reduce the amount of soaking and shift to cat food.
How to give baby food
The baby food to be given should be at a temperature similar to that of human skin or slightly lukewarm, and start with about 1 teaspoon. At the usual milk timing, give baby food on a small shallow plate. If the kitten is interested and can eat a little with his tongue, it is a success. If you don't eat or aren't interested, don't worry. The purpose of this time is to get used to the rice, so please give it patiently.
Since food alone is not enough to provide nutrition, give milk after baby food. If you see baby food stains around your face, wipe it clean.
Number of times to give baby food
Weaning kittens cannot eat large amounts in a single meal because their stomachs are small and their digestive function is not yet fully developed. Depending on the age of the week and the condition of the child, give the total amount of rice per day in 4 to 8 divided doses.
As your kitten becomes more accustomed to eating, gradually reduce the frequency of breast milk and milk to increase the amount of baby food. At this time, if you weigh yourself every day, you can get an idea of whether you are eating the right amount.
By this time, the number of meals will be about 6 times a day, and the interval will be about 3 to 6 hours. In most cases, you will not need milk in the middle of the night and will be able to graduate from breast milk or milk around the age of 8 weeks.
What to do if your kitten doesn't eat baby food
Some kittens may not eat because they are a little scared or cautious about their first meal. In such a case, put baby food on your fingertips or palm and give it away to reassure yourself, and let's get used to it at the pace of the kitten.
What to do if a kitten fed baby food has loose stools
If you have loose stools when you are just starting baby food, try reducing the amount of baby food to increase the amount of breast milk or milk, or giving less baby food in several divided doses.
If you still feel loose, or if you suddenly have diarrhea due to baby food, consult a veterinary clinic immediately. In that case, it is a good idea to prepare baby food for easy diagnosis.
How to give water
The weaning period is the time when you can eat baby food and drink water.
Put fresh, clean water in a bowl and have it ready for your kitten to drink. Some children do not drink water at first. However, you can put water in your favorite place where kittens often come and go, put water in several places in the house, change the size and shape of the water container, etc. If you devise something, you will gradually become interested in drinking it.
Precautions for giving water
The water given to the kitten is basically tap water. What you should pay attention to here is mineral water. Minerals such as magnesium and calcium contained in mineral water can cause urinary tract stones and bladder stones if taken too much by cats, so be careful about the ingredients. Be careful with the amount of water you give so that your kitten can get the water it needs with confidence.
Also, because cats are odor-sensitive animals, some cats dislike the chlorine odor of tap water and the odor of neutral detergent on dishes. Water temperature preferences also vary from kitten to kitten. Please keep the water condition suitable for the kitten.
And I like cats pretty anyway. It is also important to change the water every day and wash the container frequently to keep it clean.
4Points of how to give rice and how to give it suitable for kittens [Growth period]
After the weaning period, the next is the growing period. From around the age of 8 weeks, when you become accustomed to eating and various tastes, it is time to shift from baby food to full-fledged kitten food.
Let's explain the rice that should be given to growing kittens, along with the points of how to give it.
Point of how to give
By the age of 8 weeks, which is the growing season, you will be able to eat hard foods. However, kittens who used to eat breast milk, milk, and baby food as their staple foods cannot suddenly eat harder foods.
Therefore, don't just give dry foods that are chewy, but give them alternately with moist and soft wet foods, or mix dry foods with wet foods. It is desirable to shift to hard foods such as dry foods without rushing.
For growing rice, we recommend a comprehensive nutritional diet for kittens.
Growing kittens become more and more active and their bodies grow larger, so they require a large amount of energy for their weight. It is essential to get enough nutrients at this time when the body and skeleton are built. Whether or not you can get enough nutrition around this time will affect your ability to build a strong body and maintain your health in the future.
Therefore, it is recommended to give cats at this time a "comprehensive nutritional diet" for kittens. The comprehensive nutritional diet contains a good balance of nutrients essential for the growth of kittens, such as vitamins, minerals, proteins, essential fatty acids, carbohydrates, and fiber.
Vitamins are effective for the growth of eyes and bones, minerals increase metabolism, proteins make muscles of the body, etc., and the nutrients contained in the comprehensive nutritional diet firmly support the healthy growth of kittens. It is.
Number of meals during the growing season
The number of meals is about 5 or 6 times a day until about 4 months after birth, and it is reduced to 3 or 4 times a day by about 6 months after birth. In addition, from about 6 months when the body becomes firm, it will settle down to 2 or 3 times a day.
5Ingredients that should not be given to kittens
To keep your kitten healthy, there are many ingredients that you should not give to your kitten. The most important thing to pay attention toWelsh onions such as onions, crustaceans such as squid and shrimp, chocolate, spices, etc.is. Spices may also be found in fish sausages. These are dangerous ingredients that can cause diarrhea, vomiting and addiction. You need to be careful not to accidentally eat it.
In addition, the digestive function of cats is different from that of humans and dogs. If you give too many ingredients, you may not be able to digest them and you may have diarrhea. Therefore, it is basically desirable not to give food for humans. Especially seasoned foods, salt, sugar and fat foods are not good for cats. If a kitten mischiefs and eats while he is away, human food needs to be stored securely so that it cannot be found.
It's best not to give kittens anything other than regular food, but if you want to add new ingredients other than cat food, such as adding meat or fish toppings, it's not something you shouldn't give. Make sure that you give a small amount of unflavored fresh food. Also, if your veterinarian gives you instructions on what to eat, give priority to that.
6Advantages and disadvantages of rice for kittens
There are two types of kitten rice on the market: dry food, which is generally called "crispy", and wet food. Let's take a look at each feature and its advantages and disadvantages.
Advantages and disadvantages of dry food
The advantage of dry foods with a water content of 10% or less is that most of them are nutritious comprehensive nutritional foods, so the kittens can get a good balance of the nutrients they need for the day. In addition, since it has a low water content, it has a high shelf life even after opening, and many of them are relatively inexpensive. It is crunchy, and when chewed, the surface of the teeth is rubbed and tartar is removed, and the gums are also stimulated, which is also an advantage unique to dry foods, which also helps prevent stomatitis.
On the other hand, because of the hardness of dry food, there is a disadvantage that kittens cannot eat it as it is until they get used to it. In addition, dry food is low in water, so if you are not a child who drinks water properly, you may run out of water in some cases. Therefore, when the kitten is young, it is advisable to devise a method such as soaking it in hot water or mixing it with wet food.
Advantages and disadvantages of wet food
There are two types of wet foods with a water content of more than 10%: a canned type and a pouch type that is stored in a small amount in a bag.
Wet food has a high water content, so even kittens who have weak teeth and are not accustomed to dry food can easily eat it. In addition, since many foods are high in calories and protein, the advantage of wet food is that you can get enough energy even with a small amount. There is a wide variety of flavors, and there are various shapes such as flake type, putty type, and soup type, so it is highly palatable and has the advantage of being eaten well even when the kitten does not have much appetite.
On the other hand, wet food has the disadvantages that once it is opened, it cannot be kept fresh unless it is consumed immediately, and because it is easy for teeth to get dirty, it is necessary to take good care of the teeth.
7Key points when choosing rice for kittens
What kind of rice should I choose based on the advantages and disadvantages of kitten rice? Here, I will explain three points when choosing rice for kittens.

Choose for kittens that have the nutrients they need
Choose kitten food for kittens. Cats need different nutrients depending on their age. Therefore, it is divided into products suitable for the age and condition, such as "for kittens", "for adult cats", and "for old cats".
Kittens need to get enough energy during the growing season to build their bodies. Therefore, rice for kittens has higher calories and protein than rice for adult cats. Also, the rice for kittens is soft and small so that even small kittens can easily eat it.
By the way, there is also rice called "for all ages". This type of rice is recommended when you have a large number of cats and other cats, or when it is difficult to switch foods.
Check the raw materials thoroughly
Raw materials are also important for kitten rice. It is mandatory to list all the ingredients used in the ingredient label of cat food. Since the raw material label is "in order of description = order of highest content", the raw material listed first is the ingredient that is most contained in the product. Check what is being used, whether it contains unfamiliar ingredients, or if it contains anything that could be a source of allergies. If you have a lot of animal protein such as chicken, you should be able to judge that high protein is enough for kitten nutrition. Also, grains are not good for cats to digest. Try to avoid things that contain grains as much as possible.
Each kitten has its own tastes, but it's important to make sure that you have what your kitten needs and what you want to avoid.
Choose the one with as few additives as possible
Checking for additives is important along with the raw materials. Most cat food contains coloring and preservatives. To some extent, it can't be helped, but it doesn't have any effect on the delicate and sensitive kitten's body.
You may not care too much, but if possible, you should avoid foods that contain a lot of additives. If you are selling additive-free products, you should choose them as much as possible.
Petio's recommended kitten items
As it is, the cat's soft steamed bonito and bonito flavour, 2 pieces生後3ヶ月の子猫から食べられるやわらか蒸しかつお。良質なかつをを柔らかく蒸しておいしさをギュッと閉じ込めました。そのままおやつとしてはもちろん、ほぐしてフードのトッピングにもオススメ。2つに分けて保存できるからいつでも開けたてをあげられる!ネコちゃんの健康維持にタウリン配合。着色料無添加。
PETIO dish with water dispenser blueいつでも新鮮な水が飲める給水器。水が少なくなると自動的に給水されるから、うちの子が飲みたいタイミングで新鮮な水が飲める!
Health Program Food Crusher Handy押すだけで簡単にフードやおやつ、薬などを細かくできるアイテム。いつものごはんを食べやすくしてあげるだけでなく、トッピングを作ったり手作りごはんにもオススメ。押す回数で細かさの調整が可能だから、うちの子に合わせてお使いいただけます。
8Eating food when you are a kitten will help you build a strong body.
Kitten food is important for building a strong body. However, it may be difficult at first to feed a kitten with a weak eating power and a small stomach.
Let's devise and give it slowly and patiently so that the kitten can enjoy and eat the rice.
Frequently Asked Questions
- 子猫のご飯の与え方のポイントは?
- 子猫に与えてはいけない食材とは?
- 子猫用ごはんを選ぶ際のポイントは?
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