Disaster preparedness for pets

When a disaster occurs, only owners can protect the lives of their dogs and cats.
環境省が策定した「人とペットの災害対策ガイドライン」でも、 飼い主とペットが一緒に避難する「同行避難」を原則としています。




  • carry
  • 避難時の移動や避難先での居住空間として使用。普段から慣れておくことが大切。

  • Meal/tableware
  • 救援物資が届くまでに必要な飲用水、食べ慣れたフードやおやつなどの食料。長期保存可能なものを選びましょう。

  • Toilet goods
  • 避難先での排泄物を処理する道具。猫の場合は使い慣れたトイレ砂を用意しておく。

  • Care goods
  • 汚れや抜け毛の対策として。避難先でのトラブルを避けるため、清潔に保ちましょう。

  • お気に入りのおもちゃ
  • 避難先でのストレス発散や気分転換の遊びに。

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Add lactic acid bacteria to your daily meals. Contains plasma lactic acid bacteria discovered through KIRIN's immune research. "Immune care" that maintains health and immunity. Assorted 3 types of trial packs of cat dry food for all growth stages that are designed with your cat's health in mind. [14% OFF] [Trial Set] Plact Cat Dry Food 3-Type Assortment Bonito, Chicken, and Fish Mix Flavors 80g x 3 For Kittens to Adult Cats

  • Limited set item
Regular price ¥ 1,148
Selling price ¥ 983 tax included

Add lactic acid bacteria to your daily meals. Contains Plasma lactic acid bacteria discovered by Kirin's 35 years of immunology research. "Immune care" to maintain health and immunity. A semi-moist food for seniors that is also suitable as a topping or as a reward for training. Plact プラクト 総合栄養食 半生ごはん シニア犬用健康サポート 150g×3個 450g【3個セット】

  • Limited set item
Regular price ¥ 1,313
Selling price ¥ 1,287 tax included

Add lactic acid bacteria to your daily meals. Contains Plasma lactic acid bacteria discovered by Kirin's 35 years of immunology research. "Immune care" to maintain health and immunity. A semi-moist food for adult dogs that is also suitable as a topping or as a reward for training. Plact プラクト 総合栄養食 半生ごはん 成犬用健康サポート 150g×3個 450g【3個セット】

  • Limited set item
Regular price ¥ 1,313
Selling price ¥ 1,287 tax included
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