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Cut the nails and give it a nice shape. Eliminate waste and create form.Easily keep your pet clean at any time. A scissor-type cat nail clipper made in Seki City that can easily cut even sharp nails with a light force. 【10%OFF!スーパーSALE】SelfTrimmer セルフトリマー スパッと素早く切れる 2つの刃先の猫用爪切り 日本製【会員様限定】

Regular price ¥ 2,728
Selling price ¥ 2,728 tax included
Member price ¥ 2,455 tax included

Adjust the style beautifully with the blade width and functions that match the cut part. Adjusting the length and creating the shape Easy to clean your pet at any time. High-end model cordless hair clipper with adjustable power and length. 【10%OFF!スーパーSALE】Self Trimmer セルフトリマー コードレスバリカン プロフェッショナル レギュラー【会員様限定】

Regular price ¥ 17,380
Selling price ¥ 17,380 tax included
Member price ¥ 15,642 tax included

Adjust the style neatly according to the cut part. Adjusting the length and creating a shape Make your pet beautiful at any time. "Self Trimmer Cordless Hair Clipper Small Nail Care 2WAY Replacement Whetstone W02" 【10%OFF!スーパーSALE】Self Trimmer セルフトリマー コードレス バリカン スモール ネイルケア 2WAY用 替砥石W02【会員様限定】

Regular price ¥ 2,398
Selling price ¥ 2,398 tax included
Member price ¥ 2,158 tax included
20Among 1-20Display