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Dog toys popularity ranking
犬用おもちゃ かんでるCORN コーン チキン風味 L 大型犬用
1,298円(tax included)
Dog toys EthicalDoor Shrimp heaven
1,188円(tax included)
犬用おもちゃ かんでるCORN コーン ツイスト チキン風味 SS
800 yen(tax included)
Kanderu Bone Dental S Soft
844円(tax included)
犬用おもちゃ 犬雅 和菓子ラテックス たいやき
624円(tax included)
Giving your dog a "toy" is more important than you can imagine.
Toys play a big role for dogs.
Dogs treat toys as playmates.
By biting or throwing a toy, you can relieve stress and get a kind of comfort.
for toys"Jarashi""rope""latex (rubber)"There are various materials and shapes.
This is the TOP page of "Dog toys"