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To prevent mischief of the dog! 【10%OFF!スーパーSALE】お手入れらくらく ドッグトレー専用 シーツ破れ防止カバー グレー【会員様限定】

Item Number W 24995
Regular price ¥ 1,188
Selling price ¥ 1,188 tax included
会員価格 ¥ 1,069 tax included
[ 54 Point Award]

To prevent mischief of the dog! Just fit in the frame. Easy to clean so easy to remove!
Contents amount · Product weight
About 190g
Country of origin
Malaysia / China
All breeds
Toilet · sheets · sand

raw materials


JAN: 4903588249952


Approx. width 275 x depth 450 x height 10 (mm)

■ To prevent mischief by dogs

Petio Petio dog toiletry easy to clean dog tray dedicated sheet tear prevention cover gray gray is for mischief prevention

<Petio Petio Dog Easy Care Dog Tray Sheet Tear Prevention Cover Gray>

To prevent mischief of the dog! Just fit in the frame. Easy to clean so easy to remove!

Object: All dog breeds

■ Product information

Petio Petio Dog Toiletry Easy to Clean Dog Tray Dedicated Sheet Tear Prevention Cover Gray Gray is easy to wash

●Petio dog tray only

Use 1 sheet for regular trays and 2 sheets for wide trays.

Petio Petio dog toiletry easy care dog tray dedicated sheet tear prevention cover gray gray is a plastic cover

●Plastic cover prevents sheets from tearing

Petio Petio Dog Toiletry Easy to Clean Dog Tray Dedicated Sheet Tear Prevention Cover Gray Gray makes it easy for dirt and urine to flow on the sheet surface

-Removable type for easy daily care

The round holes have no corners, and the holes are angled, making it easy for dirt and urine to flow onto the seat surface.

How to train a dog's toilet

■ How to train a dog's toilet

Once you learn the toilet, it is important to use it until almost the end. A puppy can be memorized in 1 to several months, depending on individual differences.

First, set up a place covered with toilet sheets and surround it with a circle. Take him to the bathroom after you show him the gestures, and give him lots of praise when he does.

When the dog can excrete with the toilet sheet, reduce the area of the circle until the dog finally puts it in the toilet by itself. When it comes to discipline, it is important not to get angry even if you fail.

Since you often go to the bathroom after drinking water after waking up or eating rice, check the status frequently.

How to clean a dog toilet

■ How to clean the dog toilet

When the dog excretes, it is important to change the toilet sheets frequently and clean it daily. We also recommend disposable toilet sheets that can be replaced immediately, those with a good absorption rate and those with deodorant properties.

Since the mess and stains cling to the mesh type toilet tray, it is necessary to wipe it off immediately after the dog excretes it. If you want to get rid of the odor, soak in water with dissolved citric acid or vinegar and wash.

Clean the toilet tray at least once a week. When rubbing with a brush, it is sanitary to use chlorine bleach, etc., and it is important to wash thoroughly with water to remove dirt.

"Petio Petio Dog Easy Care Dog Tray Sheet Tear Prevention Cover" uses round holes to prevent dirt from remaining. It is a petio dog tray exclusive product that is full of ideas to lighten the burden on the owner.

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Cat suppliesCat supplies

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See a list of cat toys

See a list of cat collars and harnesses

See the list of circle towers for cats

See a list of cat beds, houses and mats

See the list of cat supplies

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Tohoku ~ Kyushu ¥ 698
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※ The purchase price of 5,000 yen (tax included) or more is free shipping.

* For Hokkaido and Okinawa prefectures, a separate shipping fee will be charged even if it is 5,000 yen (tax included) or more.

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